
2023 Summer Camp

2023 IA Summer Camp Application

This form is broken into four main sections: Camper & Parent information, Sumer Camp Session 1, Summer Camp Session 2, and Policies. If you do not wish to sign up your camper for Summer Camp Session 1, you can skip down to the Summer Camp Session 2 section. Everyone is required to fill out the Camper & Parent Information section and the Policies section of this form.
Camper's name you wish to enroll(Required)

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Parent/Guardian Name(Required)

Summer Camp Session 1: H20 (06/20-07/14)

* Please note that Campers are not guaranteed to stay in the same classroom or be with the same teachers as during the school year
Please select the Session 1 (06/20-07/14) Summer Camp program you are interested in:

If you need an extension to 3pm for a half-day program that ends at 12:30pm, please select below:

If you need Early Care or Aftercare, please select below:

Summer Camp Session 2: Adventure (07/17-08/11)

* Please note that Campers are not guaranteed to stay in the same classroom or be with the same teachers as during the school year, or from Summer Camp Session 1
Please select the Session 2 (07/17-08/11) Summer Camp program you are interested in:

If you need an extension to 3pm for a half-day program that ends at 12:30pm, please select below:

If you need Early Care or Aftercare, please select below:

IA Policies

Please read through the below and sign via the electronic signature at the bottom.
Withdraw Policy(Required)
Summer Session 1: If you Withdraw on or after June 1, 2023 payment for the enrolled program is due in full.

Summer Session 2: If you Withdraw on or after July 1, 2023 payment for the enrolled program is due in full.

Payment Due Dates
Please note that payment for Summer Session 1 is due in full on June 1, 2023 and payment for Summer Session 2 is due in full on July 1, 2023.

* This deposit will be used towards your first payment for Summer Camp

Credit Card(Required)

The below is an electronic signature. By typing your name and the date, you agree that you have read all above information.(Required)


MM slash DD slash YYYY