Q: What is the expectation of the teachers during this time?
A: We want all teachers to make the best choice for their families.
Q: Will they consider minimizing the risk pregnant staff members?
A: Any staff member who feels uncomfortable is encouraged to stay home.
Q: If I send my kid, will they have educational work cycles or will they just be playing outside?
A: Children will be taken outside more than the 1 hour currently in the schedule. That said, children will still have time in the classroom and access to the materials. During this time of crisis our first priority is in providing a safe space, academics is secondary.
Q: Will tuition be refunded or discounted?
A: No. Our staff and overhead have not changed. In order for us to continue when things get back to normal, we must be able to meet our bills. We understand that this is a very scary and difficult financial time for everyone.
Q: Can we do online learning instead?
A: Families who are able are welcome to utilize online learning tools. Since Montessori curriculum emphasizes the use of hands on materials, it is very difficult to continue the Monetessori lessons through distance learning. Our teachers will send out recommended resources for families to utilize at home. Some families require us for child care in addition to an educational environment and we are remaining open for them.
Q: Could IMA follow Harnett Co and move spring break & then reassess as this situation evolves?
A: This scenario is very likely and we will continue to update families as we make decisions.
Q: What documentation do they have to keep the school open?
A: We are a private school and child care facility. We have no government mandates to be closed. We are in contact with other facilities in the area as well as Harnett County Partnership for Children. The DCDEE and Harnett County Health and Human Services has not mandated any private childcare closures at this time.
Q: If I keep my kid home will the school reduce tuition for that week or 2?
A: No, we are not reducing tuition. Our staff and overhead have not changed. In order for us to continue when things get back to normal, we must be able to meet our bills. We understand that this is a very scary and difficult financial time for everyone.
Q: Why am I paying for my child to spend more time outside now and not get educated?
A: The nation is in a state of emergency and we are doing all we can to both support those who need to work by providing a safe space for children and what is best for the health of the community.
Q: What is the status of after school specials? If cancelled, for how long? And will we be reimbursed for the cancellations?
A: All after school specials have been postponed for two weeks. Once we resume a normal schedule we will assess potential make-up days and make decisions on refunds or make-up days at that point.