Montessori Compass
A school without grades or tests, how can that be?
Many parents have asked how they can keep track of what each student has learned and mastered if there are not benchmark tests given and grades sent home. Our solution is to use the record keeping software, Montessori Compass. Montessori Compass is the most comprehensive, user-friendly, online record keeping system available to Montessori schools. We are very happy to be able to use this tool to bridge the gap between the classroom and home.
Typically, Montessori works mastery is charted by the teachers’ careful observation of the children working within the classroom. Initially, a new work is Presented. The child is given an age appropriate lesson on each work in the classroom. The child’s natural curiosity inclines them to attempt the new material during their work cycle. Now, they are Practicing. Over time, your child will gain full working knowledge of each lesson. The material is now Mastered. Every day, your child’s teacher will record their activity into their Montessori Compass profile.
In addition to using Montessori Compass for online record keeping, teachers will be able to upload photos to each child’s personalized and secure photo album. Classroom albums will also be secured so teachers are able to share group activity lesson photos and photos from field trips, special visitors, and new materials. Parents will be able to know daily, weekly, and monthly what their student is practicing and mastering in their classroom.